5611 Woodduck Circle, Wilmington, NC 28409
50+ companies to help you put money in YOUR pocket!
Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Part D quotes Life Insurance Quotes
Cigna, Aetna, United HealthCare, Humana, & Inclusive Health all have their rates online, which can be found by clicking below. We also work with the big name company in NC, but can't post their information on the website. Call me at 888-544-SAVE for that one.
Click on the links below to choose your own deductible, co-insurance amounts, co-pays, and prescription benefits. You can fully customize your own United HealthCare, Aetna, or Cigna quote, and even apply below by yourself!!
Jones and Craven Counties were settled about 1710 by German Palatines and by the Swiss who were led by Baron Christopher de Graffenried. These people suffered many hardships during their first years in the new land. Soon, they were caught in the midst of Cary's Rebellion and the Tuscarora War. Homes were burned, crops were destroyed and people were killed. The Baron returned to Europe a broken man, and the settlements ceased to exist as distinct communities. Settlers were scattered along the Trent River. The river was named after the Trent River in England.